作者:刘炯 汤旻利 2020-01-19去年,新加坡高院在BNA诉BNB一案中作出的判决在国际仲裁界着实引起了不小波澜。该案中的仲裁条款约定:
14.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
14.2 With respect to any and all disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the [p]arties shall initially attempt in good faith to resolve all disputes amicably between themselves. If such negotiations fail, it is agreed by both parties that such disputes shall be finally submitted to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) for arbitration in Shanghai, which will be conducted in accordance with its Arbitration Rules. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both [p]arties.
即,当事人约定主合同的准据法是中国法,但并未就仲裁条款约定准据法,而仅约定按照SIAC规则在上海仲裁。新加坡高院法官认为虽然当事人作出了“arbitration in Shanghai”的约定,但由于上海并非一个法域,因此不应视作是当事人针对仲裁地的约定。在当事人未就仲裁地进行约定的情况下,应当根据SIAC规则第18.1条的规定,认定仲裁地为新加坡。
在国际仲裁中,一般认为arbitration in xx(地点)的约定即为对仲裁地的约定。比如临时仲裁中,非常常见当事人仅约定arbitration in London,则仲裁地应为英国。此类约定中,对于地点的约定并不必然强调必须是一个独立的法域(当然,从谨慎的角度,约定一个法域更为妥当)。而新加坡高院在BNA诉BNB一案中特别强调若当事人约定的地点并非独立法域,则不应视作对于仲裁地的约定。此类对于仲裁地的解读着实严格,因此也引起了国际仲裁界的关注及争论。
该判决签发后,当事人BNA即向新加坡上诉法院提出了上诉。最近,新加坡上诉法院对此作出了判决,就仲裁地的问题,新加坡上诉法院推翻了新加坡高院的判决,认为上海是仲裁地,对此法院认为“The natural reading of the phrase “arbitration in Shanghai” is that Shanghai is the seat of the arbitration, and there are no contrary indicia to point away from this natural reading.”,即当没有任何相反迹象时,对于“arbitration in Shanghai(在上海仲裁)”的自然解读就应该是上海为仲裁地。
[2019] SGCA 84