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HOME > Professionals > Professionals > FENG, Xiaolei

FENG, Xiaolei

Senior Partner

Feng Xiaolei is a partner at AllBright Law Offices in Taiyuan. His practice areas include corporate, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, environmental protection, banking and finance, and dispute resolution.

Mr. Feng has been focused much of his career on corporate mergers and acquisitions, real estate, environmental protection, energy, investment, litigation, and arbitration. He has handled more than a thousand cases of various kinds and served as legal counsel for government agencies at all levels and large- and medium-sized state-owned enterprises.

Mr.Feng participated in the drafting and revision of theShanxi Provincial Regulationsforthe Monitoring ofKey Areas of Industrial Pollution and theShanxi Provincial Regulationsfor the Reduction of Pollutant Emissions, published theTentative Discussion of Compulsory Administrative Measures and other papers. He also participated in the consolidation of nearly one hundred coal mining enterprises in Shanxi Province that was highly publicized.

Mr. Feng obtained his LL.B from the Northwest University of Politics and Law in 1992.

Mr.Feng is a practicing lawyer in China. His working language is Mandarin.

Office: Taiyuan
Tel: 0351-5260 570
Working Language: Chinese|English

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