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HOME > News > Events > AllBright and Stevenson, Wong & Co. Jointly Host a Seminar on Cross-border Litigation and Arbitration

AllBright and Stevenson, Wong & Co. Jointly Host a Seminar on Cross-border Litigation and Arbitration


A growing number of cross-border disputes arise amid Chinese companies’ global expansion, especially against the backdrop of a changing economic landscape. When Chinese companies are going abroad, they will face overseas corporate structures or deal with overseas counterparts, some of which are more familiar with common law systems and thus require Hong Kong as the place of arbitration, triggering a number of cross-border legal issues. Stevenson, Wong & Co., with which AllBright has a strategic association in Hong Kong, has extensive experience in all aspects of commercial and general litigation and alternative disputes resolution.

On October 24, 2014, Stevenson, Wong & Co.’s partners Eric Lui and Heidi Chui and associate Jennifer Li, at the invitation of the AllBright litigation committee, participated in a seminar entitled Cross-border Litigation and Arbitration hosted by AllBright. They briefed the latest major cases that Stevenson, Wang & Co. has represented to illustrate frequently discovered legal issues with respect to litigation and arbitration in Hong Kong and they were highly regarded by the AllBright lawyers for their experience and expertise. 
