AllBright Lawyer Appointed as one of the Speakers for CWTO Conference
2015-12-084950The Application of Antitrust Law to Internet and Intellectual Property Law Conference was organized by China World Trade Organization (“CWTO”) in Beijing on December 4, 2015. The conference attracted anti-trust government officials, professors, legal practitioners and in house counsels around the globe. The conference discussed five heated topics in relation to the ”Preferential Displays on Vertical Searches: Do They Foreclose Competition?”, “Price Parity” Clauses and Their Effect on Competition”; “Restrictions on Internet Sales”; “Product Bundling: Revisiting the Media Player case via Android” and “IP Roundtable”.
AllBright partner Susan Guo served as one of the speakers for the conference. Her presentation topic was “IPR Issues during Merger Review”, and covered the following areas: 1、Overview; 2、Updates of Law Enforcement; 3、IP Related Conditions;4、 Approval Principle? ; 5、Case Studies; 6、Recent Important Case.