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HOME > News > Events > AllBright Hosts Law Firm’s Digitalization in the Mobile Internet Era Seminar

AllBright Hosts Law Firm’s Digitalization in the Mobile Internet Era Seminar


Big data, instant communications, potential client bases on the Internet, and the changing landscape of mobile internet are triggering new opportunities and challenges for professional legal service providers. The budding online legal service industry also provides new possibilities for representing clients online. In a word, traditional legal services should be fully prepared for the changing landscape of the internet.

Against this backdrop, on November 14, 2014, Zhixin Consulting Co’s founder Xiong Tao, at the invitation of AllBright, delivered a speech at the seminar entitled Law Firm’s Digitalization in the Mobile Internet Era. Mr. Xiong illustrated the necessity of and trends in the digitalization of law firms, analyzed the status quo of domestic and foreign law firms, and focused on mobile internet’s opportunities and challenges to lawyers. He then followed on with tips and suggestions on law firm’s digitalization. His speech was well received by participating lawyers and was followed with a lively and in-depth discussion session. 
