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AllBright Lawyer Provides Training to Officials in Qingyang


On December 22, 2014, AllBright partner Li Yun delivered a speech entitled Briefing on the Implementation Rules of Tender and Bidding Law during a training program for government officials dealing with public resource transactions in Qingyang, Gansu Province at the invitation of the host. Mr. Li briefed the contents of the Rules and elaborated on the issues such as restricting or excluding potential bidders or bidders with unreasonable requirements, bidding fraud and collusion, overruling of bidding and bidding nullification, etc. In the afternoon session, Mr. Li made an interpretation of China's land management rules and regulations by quoting cases he has handled during his practice. He also analyzed frequently encountered issues during the auction of construction land use rights.

Nearly 50 members of the Public Resource Transaction Center in Qingyang participated in the training.
