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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > News > Transactions and Cases > Several Cases Involving AllBright Law Offices were Selected into the “Compilation of Selected Cases of Foreign Legal Services in Shanghai”

Several Cases Involving AllBright Law Offices were Selected into the “Compilation of Selected Cases of Foreign Legal Services in Shanghai”


The Shanghai Bureau of Justice, along with another eight administrative authorities formulated Opinions on the Development of Foreign-related Legal Services in Shanghai in June 2018, in which the establishment of “a Shanghai Foreign Legal Service Case Base” is one of the major projects. Recently, the Shanghai Bureau of Justice and Shanghai Bar Association collected and finally formulated a Compilation of Selected Cases of Foreign Legal Services in Shanghai (the first edition) with respect to three fields: cross-border investment, international trade and intellectual property and information safety. Thirty-four representative and high-quality cases relating to foreign legal services are incorporated. The case compilation aimed at providing a reference for both researchers and practitioners in the legal service sector, setting up practical examples of the “rule of law” to encourage enterprises to “go global” and providing practical experience for creating a favorable “rule of law” business environment.


Many cases involving AllBright Law Offices have been selected into the compilation, including:

(1) The first victory of the WTO dispute: China v. EU, fastener anti-dumping case, undertaken by senior partner Donghui Fu, senior partner Ye Li and senior consultant Xuewei Feng;

(2) The data transmitted abroad compliance case between China and India, undertaken by legal consultant Yibing Jia;

(3) The project of assisting Zhongping Capital to subscribe to the preferred stock of SenseTime, a world-leading AI platform, undertaken by senior partner Ping Zhang, partner Wenjun Yin and Associate Yili Huang;

(4)The project of providing legal services for a listed state-owned company to incorporate a joint venture in Turkey, undertaken by the team of senior partner Qinghua Wang;

(5) The project of providing legal service for a series of foreign direct investment of H company, undertaken by the team of senior partner Fang Ye and partner Jianjun Zheng;

(6) The project concerning the Doublestar Group’s acquisition of the shares of Korean Kumho Tire Co, Ltd. ,undertaken by senior partner Linhai Zhu, senior partner Fangzhou Bao, senior partner Xun Jin, partner Jindong Wu and associate Wei Chen.


The preceding selected cases cover several fields, including cross-border mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment, international trade, and compliance and information safety in data to be transferred abroad, demonstrating the professional level of AllBright’s professionalism and comprehensive strength. As a large-scale legal service provider that has international perspectives, AllBright devotes to providing comprehensive legal services on multiple levels.
