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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > SECURITIES AND CAPITAL MARKETS


Securities and capital market business is AllBright's core business. AllBright has always been a major legal service provider in China's securities industry and is also one of the most versatile Chinese law firms in this sector. AllBright is one of the earliest law firms to obtain securities business qualifications from the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. In recent years, AllBright’s A-share IPO performance has been come out in front, and has been listed on Chambers Global, Chambers Asia Pacific, ALB, LEGALBAND, Asialaw Profiles, IFLR 1000, and The Legal 500 for many years.

In 2019, AllBright has actively participated in the pilot of the registration system on the Science and Technology Innovation Board and the reform of the registration system on ChiNext. As a leading law firm in the capital market, AllBright has contributed its due practical experience for the development of the Beijing Stock Exchange has further enriched the multi-level capital market. AllBright not only actively participates in the domestic capital market, but also actively develops overseas capital market business such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, etc. In addition, AllBright has provided excellent legal services for numerous Chinese companies' overseas listings.

AllBright has an excellent reputation among clients and industry regulators. AllBright is frequently invited to provide expert advice on proposed government policies and regulations, for example several AllBright partners were members of the Issuance Review Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. After the reform to establish a registration -based IPO systems, many partners are also employed as members of the first listing committee and reorganization committee of the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Science and Technology Innovation Board, and have been hired as committee members of the first listing committee and reorganization committee of the Beijing Stock Exchange. Over the years, AllBright has established good cooperative relations with securities regulatory authorities, stock exchanges and various intermediaries in many countries and regions.
