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AllBright has always been committed to providing high-quality legal services to the consumer and retail industries. With a large number of lawyers and professional teams engaged in consumer and retail legal services, AllBright ranks among the top of the industry in legal services related to consumer and retail. AllBright's services in the consumer and retail industry involve food and beverages, clothing and apparel, daily necessities, household appliances, medicines and other categories, covering the stream of commodity production, circulation, retail, and consumption, including both traditional consumption and retail models and the emerging retail models such as internet live broadcasts and self-media marketing.

AllBright has an extensive client base in the consumer and retail industries, and has maintained long-term cooperation with many large-scale consumer brands and retail companies. AllBright, with its rich experience in providing legal services in the industry and keen industry insight, provides strong warranty in the compliance of clients’ expansion and growth. As demands for legal services diversify, AllBright is capable of providing outstanding services in domestic and overseas capital markets, mergers and acquisitions and restructuring, intellectual property protection, new retail compliance structure design, consumer complaint and dispute resolution, innovative legal services, anti-monopoly, data protection and utilization, and of providing professional and integrated legal services to clients in various fields.
