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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY > Competition Law (anti-unfair competition, anti-monopoly)

Competition Law (anti-unfair competition, anti-monopoly)

The IP attorneys at AllBright  have good theoretical knowledge in competition law,economics and also extensive experience in legal practice; as a result, they have been able to provide clients with a full range of legal services regarding anti-unfair competition. The anti-unfair competition legal services provided by AllBright include, but are not limited to, judicial litigation, administrative penalty complaints, corporate compliance risk prevention and control, and other methods and channels, with the specific areas involved as follows: conduct risk prevention and control and rights protection against the confusion-related infringement acts concerning the names/abbreviations/brand names of the companies/social organizations that have certain influence, the names/packaging/decoration of products and the domain names/website names/webpages; conduct risk prevention and control and rights protection against the unfair competition behaviors involving commercial bribery, false propaganda, commercial slander, and illegal premium sales; assist enterprises to establish/improve an effective system for trade secret protection, and to conduct risk prevention and control and rights protection against the acts infringing their trade secrets; and conduct risk prevention and control and rights protection against the new types of unfair competition behaviors implemented with the use of Internet technologies.
