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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY > Protection of New Plant Varieties

Protection of New Plant Varieties

New plant varieties are the core of agriculture, and protection of new plant varieties is one of AllBright’s unique professional advantages. AllBright has provided comprehensive legal services for domestic and foreign seed industry leaders, fruit giants and other agricultural industry giants. The main contents of new plant variety protection include: new variety application, authorization, right attribution consultancy and agency; DUS testing , DNA testing consultancy and services for new varieties; market research and evidence collection, infringement judgment, and administrative complaint, civil litigation. AllBright also provides clients with technical transfer of new plant varieties, drafting of licensing contracts, agricultural hazard identification consultancy and dispute resolution in production procedures such as entrusted production and processing of seeds; we also provide legal advice on imports and exports of new plant varieties, help file complaints of counterfeit new plant varieties, and provide agricultural planting market strategy consultancy and other legal services.
