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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > CRIMINAL > Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption Investigation and Criminal Prosecution

Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption Investigation and Criminal Prosecution

AllBright could provide clients with comprehensive response plans for corporate fraud and corporate corruption incidents, including assisting companies in discovering, identifying, and judging internal fraud and corruption clues, assisting companies in conducting relevant internal investigations, collecting, retrieving, and fixing relevant evidence, and offering a reasonable comprehensive response plan based on the evidence. AllBright could also accept the entrustment of clients, formulate operational criminal prosecution plans, draft criminal accusation documents, file criminal complaints with judicial authorities with appropriate jurisdiction, participate in criminal proceedings as an agent of corporate clients, and assisting judicial authorities in combating crimes, recover stolen money and goods, so as to achieve the end goal of helping clients to prevent further losses and retrieve their losses to the greatest extent possible.
