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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY > Equity Incentive System Construction

Equity Incentive System Construction

The equity incentive system is essential for an enterprise to maintain its core competence. AllBright can assist enterprises to formulate equity incentive plans and determine specific incentive implementation plans according to the actual situation of the enterprise. In the process of assisting enterprises to establish and improve the equity incentive system, we will investigate and verify the internal situation of the enterprise, and produce a due-diligence report on equity incentives. We will analyze, discuss and demonstrate the situation of the enterprise, and complete the final equity incentive implementation plan. During the implementation of the equity incentive system, AllBright will draft and prepare equity incentive documents and implementation rules for the enterprise, mobilize employees, demonstrate and explain the incentive plan, and witness the signing of the equity incentive agreement. In the later stage of the implementation of the equity incentive system, AllBright can assist enterprises in supervising and tracking the implementation of incentive plans, and in handling equity repurchases and resolving disputes.
