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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > STATE-INVESTED AND STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES


AllBright has always been a top-tier service provider for state-invested enterprises and state-owned enterprises (“SOEs”). SOEs have been a pillar of China’s economy, and AllBright has always kept SOE related services central to our practice. We assembled a professional team focusing on serving SOEs, and have provided assistance on many standard setting projects, contributing to both our extensive practical experience and our prevailing market recognition. Our clients portfolio has always included a large number of central and local SOEs. Some of China’s largest SOEs have turned to us for advice including PetroChina, Sinopec, State Grid, CHN Energy, China State Construction, POWERCHINA, China Resources Group, and Poly Group for services such as compliance management, restructuring, trading of state-owned assets and equities, investment and financing, mergers and acquisitions, capital market, dispute resolution, bankruptcy, reorganization, and liquidation.
