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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > STATE-INVESTED AND STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES > Restructuring and Trading of Assets and Equities

Restructuring and Trading of Assets and Equities

AllBright is a pioneer firm in the area of restructuring and trading of assets and equities for SOEs. Restructuring of SOEs is a tool to enhance the protection of state-owned assets and equities, boost mixed ownership economy, and promote the establishment of the modern enterprise system. The trading of state-owned assets and equities may take the form of trading of ownership and management, trading the whole or part of the assets and equities, and trading between SOEs as well as between an SOE and a non-SOE. Our wide-ranging experience in SOEs restructuring and trading SOEs’ assets and equities includes matters such as the incorporation of SOEs, restructuring and operation, mixed-ownership reform with private capital, and the trading and exchange of state-owned assets and equities
