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HOME > Global Network > Kunming > Professional Fields > STATE-INVESTED AND STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES > Investment and Financing, M&A, and Capital Market

Investment and Financing, M&A, and Capital Market

AllBright is a leading firm in the areas of investment, financing, M&A and capital markets. AllBright has represented multiple SOEs in their investment and financing with private equity funds, bank loans, trusts and asset management programs, supply chain financing, public-private-partnership (PPP), etc. In the field of corporate and M&A, owing to AllBright’s outstanding professionalism, we have provided SOEs with services such as due diligence investigations, transaction designs, negotiation, document drafting, delivery, etc., and have completed a number of industry-acclaimed leading projects. In the field of securities and capital market, AllBright remains in a leading position, and has assisted a great number of SOEs in their projects such as domestic and foreign listing, refinancing, bond issuance, asset securitization and public funded REITs.
