走近南美洲(秘鲁)系列文章DOING BUSINESS PERÚ秘鲁营商环境(七)
2024-07-23Contributor供稿:秘鲁Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano律师事务所
Chinese Translation中文翻译:锦天城 王良 律师
China is Peru's main trading partner, the largest destination of exports and the main source of imports for Peru. Peru is China's second largest investment destination in South America. The two countries have established a comprehensive strategic partnership and signed a free trade agreement. In the next five to 10 years, Peru will become another destination for Chinese enterprises going global. More Chinese companies will enter Peru and expand into the broader South American market through Peru. AllBright Law is actively exploring the legal service market in South America, providing reliable host country legal service resources and doing legal research on various host countries for Chinese enterprises going to South America, so as to provide legal protection for serving China's high-level opening-up and the "the Belt and Road" strategy. To this end, AllBright Law, together with Rodrigo, El í as &Medrano Law firms in Peru, launched this Series of Articles on Peru Business Environment, including Peru's going global, Peru's corporate structures, Peru's promotion of investment and legal stability, operational legal environment, business winding up and restructuring a business.
中国是秘鲁的主要贸易伙伴,是秘鲁第一大出口目的地国,也是秘鲁主要进口来源国。秘鲁是中国在拉美的第二大投资目的地。两国之间既建立全面战略伙伴关系,又签署了自由贸易协定。未来五到十年,秘鲁将成为中国企业出海的另一片热土,中国会有更多企业走向秘鲁,并通过秘鲁走向更广阔的南美洲市场。锦天城积极开拓南美洲法律服务市场,向出海南美洲的中国企业提供可靠的东道国法律服务资源和做好国别法律研究等工作,为服务中国高水平对外开放和“一带一路“战略提供法律保障。为此,锦天城联合秘鲁Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano律师事务所,推出《秘鲁营商环境》系类文章,介绍秘鲁走向世界、秘鲁公司架构、秘鲁外国投资促进和法律稳定性、企业运营法律环境、停业和企业重整等内容。
Environmental Issues 环境问题
The right to a balanced and adequate environment is recognized by the Constitution.
The General Environmental Law (LGA) – Act No. 28611, governs the general legal framework for environmental management and protection, as well as the basic principles and rules for ensuring the effective exercise and defense of the right to a healthy, balanced, and adequate environment.
The LGA Law provides that any human activities involving construction, structures, services and other activities, as well public programs, policies and plans which may cause negative environmental impacts are subject to the National Environmental Impact Assessment System (“SEIA”) and therefore require the previous approval of an environmental management instrument.
In accordance with Law No. 27446, Act on the National System of Environmental Impact Assessment, the SEIA is a unique and coordinated system for identifying, preventing, monitoring, controlling and correcting potential negative environmental impacts derived from human actions expressed through the investment project ensuring citizen participation in this process. It should be noted that by Legislative Decree No. 1394 of September 5, 2018, several amendments were approved to Law No. 27446 regarding the creation of the National Certification Service for Sustainable Investments (“SENACE”) and the resulting transfer of competence in the environmental impact assessment to that authority.
In line with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 1394, on January 26, 2022, Supreme Decree No. 004-2022-MINAM was published, which approved the provisions of the Single Procedure of the SENACE Environmental Certification Process. By means of the referred Single Procedure, called PUPCA, which came into force on July 21, 2022, the requirements, stages and deadlines of the environmental evaluation procedure in charge of SENACE were standardized, in order to provide it with predictability and efficiency. Likewise, within the framework of the rules and principles of Digital or Electronic Government, the use of the Environmental Certification Single Window (EVA) is reinforced, as the mandatory platform to present the environmental management instruments in charge of SENACE.
根据第1394号法令的规定,在2022年1月26日公布的第004-2022-MINAM号最高法令,批准了SENACE环境许可证核发的单一程序规定。上述单一程序(“PUPCA”)于2022年7月21日生效,对 SENACE负责的环境评估程序要求、阶段和期限进行了标准化,使其更有可预见性和效率。同样,在数字或电子政府的规则和原则框架内,加强了环境核证单窗口的使用(“EVA”),将其作为对SENACE所负责的环境管理机构进行对外展示的强制性平台。
In accordance with SEIA regulations, the classification of the environmental impact of investment projects, as well as the applicable environmental management instruments, is as follows:
In accordance with these regulations, the execution of projects and service and trade activities shall not start without prior approval of the corresponding environmental management instrument. No national, sectorial, regional or local authority shall approve, authorize or allow these projects or activities if they do not have the pertinent environmental certification.
The Ministry of the Environment (“MINAM”) governs SEIA and is the primarily entrusted to propose and execute environmental policies. However, environmental authority, such as environmental management instrument approval, may be assumed by SENACE, the pertinent ministries, and the regional governments, as appropriate.
SENACE has been undertaking the approval of environmental impact assessments as follows:
(i) On December 28, 2015, authority to approve Detailed Environmental Impact Assessments for mining and energy activities (electricity and hydrocarbons) was assumed.
(ii) On July 14, 2016, authority to approve Detailed Environmental Impact Assessments for activities in the Transport sector was assumed.
(iii) On August 14, 2017, authority to approve the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessments for activities in the Agriculture sector was assumed.
(iv) On August 14, 2017, it took over powers to approve the Environmental Impact Studies for activities related to solid waste in the Health sector.
(v) On December 22, 2017, it assumed the authority to evaluate environmental assessments of public and private investment projects of solid waste infrastructure under municipal management (if the service is provided to two or more regions according to their significant impact) and non- municipal or mixed management (in case they are located outside the industrial or productive facilities, concession area or lot, or owned by a solid waste operating company, taking into account their significant impact).
(vi) On August 2, 2021, it assumed the authority to evaluate the Detailed Environmental Impact Studies for activities in the Housing and Construction sector.
It is important to mention that, progressively, SENACE will assume the aforementioned skills to assess environmental studies of additional economic sectors. It is expected that by 2023, the transfer of the functions corresponding to the Tourism, Communications, Health and Defense sectors will begin.
值得注意的是, SENACE将逐步承担上述职能并对其他经济行业开展环境影响评估工作。预计到2023年,旅游、通信、卫生和国防行业将开始移交相关职能。
There are also other public entities with the authority to grant permits and/or authorizations that may be required by the owner of a project (depending on the nature of the project), such as the Natural Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State - SERNANP, the National Water Authority - ANA, the General Directorate of Environmental Health - DIGESA, and the Ministry of Culture. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that Law No. 30327 created the Global Environmental Certification procedure with the purpose of progressively incorporating into a single administrative procedure (i.e., the approval procedure of the environmental management instrument) the simultaneous approval of different permits, licenses and authorizations by the aforementioned public entities. The Regulation of Title II of Law No. 303227 - which refers to the Global Environmental Certification
- was approved by Supreme Decree No. 005-2016-MINAM, published on July 19, 2016.
其他公共实体也有权发放项目业主可能需要的许可证和/或授权(取决于项目的性质),例如受国家保护自然区域保护局(SERNANP)、国家水务局(ANA)、环境卫生总局(DIGESA)和文化部。在这方面,值得一提的是,第30327号法律设立了全球环境认证程序,目的是将由上述公共实体同时批准不同许可证、执照和授权的做法逐步纳入单一行政程序(即环境管理报告的批准程序)。第303227号法律第二部分的规定—全球环境认证—由已经公布的第005-2016- MINAM号最高法令批准,批准日期为2016年7月19日。
On the other hand, the Environmental Assessment and Control Organization(“OEFA”) is the governing entity of the Environmental Assessment and Control National System (“SINEFA”) in charge of supervising, auditing and sanctioning compliance with environmental obligations of titleholders of activities that are under its authority. Pursuant to the Executive Board’s Order No. 027-2017-OEFA- CD, OEFA Sanctioning Administrative Procedure Regulation was approved in order to regulate the sanctioning administrative procedure, as well as the issuance of precautionary and remedial measures, according to its controlling and sanctioning role (applicable to any individual and legal entity, autonomous equity, irregular corporation, business association or other type pursuant to law conducting commercial activities subject to OEFA). Similarly, Directive Council Resolution No.006- 2019-OEFA / CD adopted the New OEFA Supervision Regulations, adding principles of institutional coordination and various obligations of the supervisor.
另一方面,环境评估和管控组织(“OEFA”)是国家环境评估和管控系统(“SINEFA”)的主管实体,负责对其管辖范围内活动的产权所有者遵守环境义务的情况进行监督、审计和制裁。根据执行委员会第027-2017-OEFA-CD号法令,《OEFA制裁行政程序规定》获得批准通过,根据其管控和制裁职能(适用于任何个人和法律实体、自治股权公司、非正式公司、商业协会或依法从事商业活动的其他类型受 OEFA管辖)进一步规范制裁的行政程序,以及实施预防和补救措施。与此类似,第006-2019-OEFA/CD号指令采纳了新的OEFA监督规定,增加了机构协调原则和监督者的义务。
Likewise, the OEFA has progressively assumed the authority to supervise and sanction, and to date, not all economic sectors are under the jurisdiction of the OEFA, but some ministries and regional governments maintain the authority to supervise, supervise and sanction in environmental matters, as established by current legislation. Specifically, the OEFA has assumed the competences of the mining and energy sectors (hydrocarbons and electricity), medium and large-scale fishery and aquaculture, manufacturing industry and domestic trade, agriculture, solid waste and environmental consulting firms.
同样,OEFA也逐渐承担了监督和制裁的权力,目前并非所有的经济部门都受 OEFA的管辖,一些部委和地方政府保留现行法律所规定的对环境事项进行监督、监管和制裁的权力。具体而言,OEFA承担的职能包括:采矿和能源部门(碳氢化合物和电力)、中型和大型渔业和水产养殖业、制造业和国内贸易、农业、固体废物和环境咨询公司。
It is also important to mention that in recent years the government has issued regulations and draft regulations to strengthen environmental institutions and regulate the environmental aspects of the different sectors. Among the most relevant are the following:
i) Draft Regulations on Environmental Management of the Education Sector, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 144-2022-MINEDU.
《教育行业环境管理法规草案》,经第144-2022- MINEDU号部长决议批准。
(ii) Draft Regulations on Environmental Management of the Agricultural and Irrigation Sector, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 0141-2022-MIDAGRI
《农业和灌溉行业环境管理法规草案》,经第0141-2022- MIDAGRI号部长决议批准。
(iii) Draft Regulations on Environmental Management of the Communications Sector, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 329-2022-MTC/01.03.
《通信行业环境管理法规草案》,经第329-2022- MTC/01.03号部长决议批准。
(iv) Regulations of the National Environmental Information System - SINIA, approved by Supreme Decree No. 034-2021-MINAM.
《国家环境信息系统条例》(SINIA),经第034-2021- MINAM号最高法令批准。
(v) The draft Regulations for Environmental Management in the Tourism Sector, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 235-2021-MINCETUR.
《旅游行业环境管理条例草案》,经第235-2021- MINCETUR号部长决议批准。
(vi) The Integral Solid Waste Management Law, approved by Legislative Decree No. 1278, which establishes the general aspects for solid waste management, as amended by Supreme Decree No. 001-2022-MINAM.
《固体废物综合管理法》,经第1278号立法法令批准,其中规定了对固体废物的管理内容,并经第001-2022- MINAM号最高法令修订。
Similarly, the Special Regime for the Management and Handling of End-of-Life Tires was approved by Supreme Decree No. 024-2021-MINAM, as well as the new Regime for the Management and Handling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, approved by Supreme Decree No. 009-2019-MINAM.
同样,《报废轮胎处理和处理特殊制度》(第024-2021- MINAM号法令)获得批准,《废弃电子电气设备处理和处理新制度》(第009-2019- MINAM号法令)获得批准。
(vii) The Environmental Management Regulations for the Fishing and Aquaculture Subsectors, approved by Supreme Decree N° 012-2019-PRODUCE.
《渔业和水产养殖业环境管理规定》(第012-2019- PRODUCE号法令)获得批准。
(viii) The Regulation for Environmental Protection in Electrical Activities, approved by Supreme Decree N° 014-2019-EM.
《电气活动环境保护管理规定》(第014-2019- EM号法令)获得批准。
(ix) The Environmental Protection Regulation for the transportation sector, approved by Supreme Decree No. 004-2017-MTC.
《交通运输行业环境保护管理规定》(第004-2017- MTC号令)获得批准。
(x) The modification of the Regulation for environmental protection in hydrocarbon activities by Supreme Decree No. 023-2018-EM.
《油气活动环境保护管理规定》(第023-2018- EM号法令)获得批准。
(xi) The Environmental Protection Regulation for Mining Exploration Activities, approved by Supreme Decree N° 042-2017-EM, amended by Supreme Decree N° 019-2020-EM.
《采矿勘探活动环境保护管理规定》(第042-2017-EM号法令)获得批准,并根据第019-2020- EM号法令进行修订。
(xii) The Environmental Management Regulations for the Manufacturing Industry and Domestic Trade, approved by Supreme Decree N° 017-2015-PRODUCE, recently amended by Supreme Decree N° 006-2019-PRODUCE.
《制造业和国内贸易环境管理规定》(第017-2015- PRODUCE号法令)获得批准,并于近期根据第006-2019- PRODUCE号法令进行修订。
(xiii) Supreme Decree No.005-2020-EM, which amends the Regulation on Environmental Protection and Management for Mining, Beneficiation, General Work, Transportation and Storage Activities, approved by Supreme Decree No. 040-2014-EM.
《采矿、选矿、一般作业、运输和储存活动环境保护和管理规定》(第No.040-2014-EM法令)获得批准,并根据第005-2020-EM 最高令对《采矿、选矿、一般作业、运输和储存活动环境保护和管理规定》进行修订。
(xiv) Supreme Decree No. 010-2020-MINAM, in order to establish the provisions for the submission of the corrective environmental management instrument for solid waste infrastructure.
《固体废物基础设施纠正环境管理文件的提交规定》(第010-2020- MINAM号法令)获得批准。
On the other hand, it should be mentioned that Peruvian environmental law also promotes and force the investors to implement citizen participation mechanisms, mainly with the interest groups located in the area of influence of their investment projects. For example, the Regulations for Citizen Participation in the environmental management of the Fishery and Aquaculture subsectors have recently been approved by Supreme Decree No. 017-2022-PRODUCE.
另外,值得一提的是,秘鲁环境法也推动和强制投资者实施公民参与机制,主要针对投资项目影响范围内的利益团体。例如,《渔业和水产养殖业环境管理公民参与规定》(第017-2022- PRODUCE号法令)获得批准。
Likewise, within the framework of ILO Convention No. 169, administrative measures (i.e., administrative acts that allow the initiation of a certain activity) and legislative measures that may affect native or indigenous peoples require prior consultation proceedings that are carried out by the authority responsible for issuing the administrative and/or legislative measure in question.
Finally, once the project is completed, the owners of the investment project are obliged to carry out remediation and closure activities to restore the areas disturbed by their activities and return the area where the project was executed, as far as possible, to its original state. A novelty in relation to the closure and post-closure stage was incorporated for the mining sector by Law No. 31347, which amended Law No. 28090, Law that regulates the closure of mines, in relation to the regime of guarantees for the closure of mines, as well as in relation to the joint and several liability of directors and majority shareholders with respect to environmental damages resulting from the abandonment of mining units in the closure stage.
On the other hand, on April 18, 2018, the Framework Law on Climate Change, Law No. 30754, was approved in order to establish the principles, general approaches and provisions regarding public policies for managing climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, in order to reduce the country’s vulnerability to climate change, take advantage of the opportunities of low-carbon growth and comply with the international commitments assumed by the State before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The afore mentioned Law has been regulated by Supreme Decree Nº 013-2019-MINAM, establishing - for example - the creation of the National Registry of Mitigation Measures - RENAMI, where all the information referred to the level of progress of emission reductions and increase of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) removals from mitigation measures will be registered, as well as the transfers of GHG emission reduction units. However, to date, this registry is not operational until the corresponding regulations are approved. On August 2, 2022, the draft Supreme Decree approving the “Provisions for the operation of the National Registry of Mitigation Measures (RENAMI)” was published.
另一方面,2018年4月18日批准了《气候变化框架法》(第30754号法律),以确立关于管理气候变化适应和缓解措施的公共政策的原则、一般方法和规定,从而降低国家气候变化的脆弱性,利用低碳增长的机会并遵守国家在《联合国气候变化框架公约》之前作出的国际承诺。上述法律由第013-2019- MINAM号最高法令加以规范,例如,建立国家缓解措施登记(“RENAMI”),其中将登记所有与减排进展水平和缓解措施所产生的温室气体清除量增加相关的信息,以及温室气体减排单位转让相关的信息。但是,目前登记制度尚未实施,直到在相应条例获得批准。2022年8月2日公布了批准《国家缓解措施登记规定》的最高法令草案。
In addition, under Law No. 30754, a High Level Commission on Climate Change was established by supreme decree. In addition, its permanent nature has been specified, which is chaired by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Technical Secretariat is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Environment, and that the conformation and development of its functions are defined in the norm of its creation.
In this sense, on July 3, 2020, Supreme Decree No. 006-2020-MINAM was adopted, which created the permanent Multisectoral Commission under the Ministry of the Environment called “High Level Commission on Climate Change”. The purpose of this body is to propose measures for adaptation and mitigation to climate change and to the National Determined Contributions (NDC), as well as to issue the technical report on the NDC every five years, the focal point at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in accordance with international commitments ratified by Peru.
2020年7月3日通过第006-2020- MINAM号最高法令,在环境部下设立一个常设的多部门委员会,称为“气候变化高级别委员会”。该机构的宗旨是提出适应和缓解气候变化和国家自主贡献(NDC)的措施建议,并根据秘鲁批准的国际承诺,每五年发布一次关于 NDC的技术报告,NDC是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的协调中心。
Finally, it is important to mention that, through Supreme Decree No. 003-2022-MINAM, a climate emergency was declared of national interest in the country, with the aim of urgently executing measures to implement climate action, in accordance with the commitments assumed under the NDCs by 2030.
最后,通过第003-2022- MINAM号最高法令,宣布了事关国家利益的气候紧急状态,其目的在于根据2030NDCs所做出的承诺,紧急采取措施、实施气候行动。