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AllBright Taiyuan Office Successfully Hosts Shanghai-Shanxi Women Lawyers Seminar


On April 24, 2014, AllBright Taiyuan office successfully hosted the Shanghai-Shanxi Women Lawyers Seminar, co-organized by the Shanghai Women Lawyers Association and Shanxi Women Lawyers Association. Participants at the seminar included Shanghai Bar Association deputy chairwoman Huang Qi and Shanxi Lawyers Association honorary president Li Yuansheng Shanxi Lawyers Association deputy chairwoman Zhang Fang, Shanxi Lawyers Association honorary chairwoman Zhou Xingmei, Shanxi Lawyers Association deputy party secretary Niu Zhenyu and other elite women lawyers from Shanghai and Shanxi.

The participants discussed women lawyers’ daily practices, women lawyers’ work and their role in protecting women’s and children’s rights in China. Ms. Huang briefed the audience on the state of women in the legal profession in Shanghai, while her Shanxi counterpart, Ms. Zhang, discussed the situation in Shanxi. A number of women lawyers also shared with the audience their views on the protection of women’s and children’s rights in China.

The seminar was well received by the audience. It acted as a good platform to strengthen communication between women lawyers from Shanghai and Shanxi, and to broaden their views and knowledge on the protection of women’s and children’s rights.
