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HOME > Global Network > Taiyuan > Professional Fields > BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATION AND REORGANIZATION


With the continuous advancement of structural reform, bankruptcy courts have been established in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The quantity and quality of bankruptcy reorganization and liquidation cases are increasing. AllBright has accumulated in-depth experience in theory and practice of bankruptcy reorganization and liquidation. We have successfully dealt with a large number of bankruptcy reorganizations, bankruptcy liquidations, compulsory liquidations and voluntary liquidation cases throughout China, involving state-owned enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises and other types of enterprises, covering finance, real estate, construction projects, petroleum, new energy, internet, shipping, logistics, cultural media and other industries.

The AllBright Law teams across the country have been recognized as experts in this field and have been awarded the status of Administrator by high courts and municipal middle courts across China. This allows those courts to appoint AllBright Law to manage the bankruptcy/liquidation process.

AllBright has won China Business Law Journal’s recommended firm in the field of Restructuring and Insolvency. Allbright has also been recommended by LEGALBAND in this field, and nominated by ALB’s Debt Restructuring law firm of the year. The bankruptcy liquidation case of Shanghai CEFC International Group undertaken by AllBright has been selected by the IFLR1000 China Awards as the Deal of the Year in the area of Restructuring & Insolvency, and has received the Impact Deal Award. In addition, several  AllBright cases have also been included or nominated in the Gazette of the national bankruptcy classic cases.
