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HOME > Global Network > Taiyuan > Professional Fields > CORPORATE AND M&A > Corporate Governance, Corporate Compliance

Corporate Governance, Corporate Compliance

In the field of corporate governance, AllBright provides legal services on the stability and contention of company control rights; company deadlock resolution; corporate governance structure of listed companies; shareholder proxy rights; In the field of corporate compliance, AllBright provides advice on the construction of corporate compliance systems; personal privacy, data protection and cybersecurity compliance; anti-bribery, anti-unfair competition, anti-monopoly policy compliance; environment, safety and health compliance; tax compliance; contract and internal control system compliance; labor and personnel policy compliance; and industry-specific compliance matters, etc.

In the above two areas, AllBright provides services including, but not limited to: conducting legal due diligence; participating in negotiation and drafting, reviewing and revising relevant documents for company establishment; assisting clients in handling various government approval, licensing and registration procedures. AllBright provides comprehensive legal advice in tax planning, intellectual property protection, labor and human resources management, foreign exchange, customs, and exit strategies. AllBright helps draft, review and negotiate various business contracts in the daily business process, and assists in litigation and arbitration, restructuring, settlement and liquidation matters.
