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HOME > Global Network > Taiyuan > Professional Fields > INTERNATIONAL TRADE > Trade Remedies (anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures)

Trade Remedies (anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures)

AllBright has one of China’s most most experienced legal teams specializing in trade remedies. The team plays an important role in theoretical research, law-making, legal practice, etc. Confronted with the challenges and opportunities of economic globalization, we have built close and high-quality cooperative relationships with the world's top law firms in the area of trade remedies, which has allowed us to form a global network of legal services for trade remedies. In our effort to ensure a safe international trade environment for goods “Made in China” and to fight for equal status and rights of Chinese enterprises in international trade, we provide legal services of the best quality for Chinese enterprises so as to turn international challenges into opportunities.

We have provided excellent services representing Chinese clients in trade remedy investigations in the EU, the U.S., India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Columbia, Chile, South Africa, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Bahrain, Turkey, Egypt, Ukraine, South Korea, and other countries. Furthermore, regarding international trade remedy cases in China, we have filed complaints with the Ministry of Commerce on behalf of Chinese industries in order to seek trade remedies regarding imported products, with the aim of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of national industries through our high-quality legal services.

AllBright provides professional legal services throughout the trade remedy investigation process, including pre-filing evaluation and pre-litigation preparation, formulation of litigation strategies and plans, questionnaire preparation, on-site inspection, hearings, representation of enterprises and industries regarding non-injury defense, seeking and procuring price undertaking according to clients’ needs, and legal advice and representation concerning tax collection and refund. In addition to new investigations, we also represent clients in various investigation review proceedings, including anti-circumvention, anti-absorption, review of new exporters, interim, annual and sunset reviews, etc. We also assist clients in judicial reviews and WTO dispute resolution proceedings.
