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HOME > Global Network > Taiyuan > Professional Fields > BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATION AND REORGANIZATION > Services for Company Dissolution, Liquidation and Bankruptcy Liquidation

Services for Company Dissolution, Liquidation and Bankruptcy Liquidation

AllBright serves as the legal counsel for company dissolution and voluntary liquidation: accepts the appointment of the company, provides full legal services on the company's voluntary dissolution and liquidation. AllBright also acts as the administrator of the bankruptcy liquidation process, and the liquidation team of the compulsory liquidation process: ie accepts the appointment of the people's court, the company or other economic organizations, and acts as the administrator of bankruptcy liquidation cases and the liquidation team of company compulsory liquidation cases.

AllBright has acted as counsel to creditor, debtor’s shareholder or executive in the case of company dissolution, liquidation or bankruptcy liquidation. We are entrusted to serve as legal counsel to the creditor, debtor shareholder or executive in voluntary iquidation, compulsory liquidation and bankruptcy liquidation proceedings, providing services including but not limited to declaration of claims, performance of duties in the debtor committees, protection of rights and interests of priority holders, protection of legal rights and interests of shareholders and executives, and risk management and control of liquidation liabilities.
