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HOME > Global Network > Taiyuan > Professional Fields > LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY > Human Resource Compliance and Rules and Regulations Construction

Human Resource Compliance and Rules and Regulations Construction

In the field of human resources compliance, AllBright can provide enterprises with drafting, reviewing, revising, and improving labor and personnel rules and regulations, improving internal management rules and labor disciplines, reviewing and formulating formatted legal documents for labor contract management, and helping enterprises formulate legal, standardized and comprehensive human resources management system, which mainly includes recruitment management system, employment standard, job responsibilities, performance evaluation methods, job wage system, attendance management system, labor discipline, and major loss standards. In the process of labor and employment management, AllBright can help enterprises to design and formulate the workflow of personnel management and labor and employment management, including employee recruitment process, entry management process, resignation management process, disciplinary violation handling process, labor contract termination process, etc. In terms of wages, salaries and benefits, AllBright can help companies formulate management plans and operating procedures for wage payment, overtime, benefits, annual leave, etc.
