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HOME > Global Network > Taiyuan > Professional Fields > LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY > Remuneration, Benefits and Performance Management, Safety in Production and Occupational Health, Personal Information Protection

Remuneration, Benefits and Performance Management, Safety in Production and Occupational Health, Personal Information Protection

AllBright can assist enterprises to review and formulate the wage structure, set reasonable ratios and payment plans such as basic salary, benefits, bonuses, etc., duly reduce enterprise wage costs, reduce enterprise economic losses, and assist enterprises in establishing and improving performance management systems. Safety in production is the legal responsibility of enterprises, and AllBright can help enterprises formulate management systems of Safety in production and occupational health, improve the employee training and safety in production education systems, prevent work-related injuries and occupational diseases, and assist enterprises in handling dispute arising from work-related injuries, occupational diseases, social insurance and provident funds. As the legal framework for the protection of personal privacy and personal information progress, AllBright can assist enterprises to establish and improve the personal information protection systems of employees and avoid disputes.
