发布时间:2023-12-15 20:30
Dear Professor Gu, all members of the juries, and participants for this competition:
Truly wonderful to be here, actually, for the second time, last year I delivered my note of congratulations in video, today, on the spot of the law firm.
I still remember the first day of the opening of this law firm. I participated and also had the honour to be taken the photo with the former Chairman of the Law Firm,-so I am more than happy and excited to see the daughter of the first Chairman of this law firm- All the time, I remember his elegant behaviour, very profound knowledge in the field of law, and also, his personal contribution, that’s a great contribution to both the University of East China Law as well as this Law Firm.
Today I just tried to touch upon three key points. Why we need this kind of competition and how to achieve it?
First and foremost, I hope young talents to take this process as a process of learning, learning never ends. Just 3 weeks ago, I conducted a survey tour in the bookstore, on the 52nd floor of this building, supposedly the highest bookstore in China at least. They asked me to contribute something to the bookstore, it is called the bookstore on the cloud. I contributed a book list in total 16 books. Two writers just passed away yesterday and the day before yesterday. That was and still is the greatest loss of humanity, and all of the world.
So I will repeat what I did, including those four books. I need to ask you to learn, to learn not to just read. Reading is a part of learning. The reading is not learning at all.
The first book was written by Munger. The name of the book is “Poor Charlie’s Almanack” Remember the book? The Chinese name is 《穷查理宝典》.
The second book, of course, by Doctor Kissinger, the name of the book is “On China”《论中国》, Please read the book, written in 2011.
The third book, I will ask you to read is also his work, very heavy work. The name of it is “The World Order”. In Chinese《世界秩序》。
The last but not least book. Unfortunately, the Chinese version has not yet been published here in mainland China, but in Hong Kong, you can buy it very easily. The name of the book is “Leadership”. (《领导力》)
So please take the process of this competition as a process of learning, and learning never ends.
My second point is, try to make this a very interesting game. Competition is a game, is a noble game. It's not just something to take it as a fight. Not at all! it's not a fight, it's not a struggle, but it is a noble game. To learn fair play, meaning, of course, we are going to win. There should be a winner among the competition, but you must win it, with elegance, with reasoning, as well as with a kind of building up a friendship, make it the process of building up your mentality and personality.
The last point of mine is, try to make it a tradition of this Law Firm. Now, it is the third competition of such in the Law Firm. We are looking forward to the 30th and even more. Why? The reason is very simple:
Shanghai, got its first lawyer dealing with international cases in the year 1981, his name is 陈泽政. Everything's his personal endeavour. We started the legal practice with foreign interests, from 1 lawyer in 1981. Up to today, we have 3,500 lawyers in Shanghai, dealing with international cases. The law firm, the number of the law firm, is 177.
We have 15 law firms, including yours, having established kinds of substitutions overseas. 15 law firms in Shanghai established branches all over the world in total 31. We have 8 joint offices by one Chinese law firm and another foreign law firm, we call joint office, we have all total—all established in the Pudong Area- 8; We have 194 international law firms having their presence here in Shanghai. If I recall to the very year, 1990, we started the open-up of the Pudong Area, we got only 4 foreign lawyers practising here in Shanghai.
So, this kind of competition is a strong contribution to raise young talents to be more qualified in international legal affairs. And I hope all your efforts could be very well recognised as well as appreciated by the city, and by the country. Let’s all work together. Thank you again for your invitation. Thanks.
第一本书是芒格写的。这本书的名字叫Poor Charlie’s Almanack。还记得本书吗?中文名字是《穷查理宝典》。
第二本书是基辛格博士写的,书名是《On China》(中文名:《论中国》),写于2011年。请大家读读这本书。
第三本书,请大家读读基辛格博士的另一部非常重要的作品。书的名字是The World Order。中文名为《世界秩序》。